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Neeya Nana

One of the shows of my interest in Vijay TV is Neeya Nana. Last week-end the debate was on "Modern age spiritual Gurus (MSG)". I love the way Mr. Gopinath pilots the show. No wonder this time too it was very good.

An important question that was raised during the show was "Why do people need (or go for) spiritual gurus?".
- Relief from routine tensions.
- To avoid the feel of guiltiness
- A mystery element in the life.
- Branding
- People who lack self-confidence.

Well said. Even if you are a believer what is the thing that you would get from the MSG which you don't get in a temple (or church or masjith). They are just the translators of the things that have been given in Vedas, Upanishads (holy texts in general). It is always good to refer the original source if you need. We cant escape by simply saying "No Time; Not able to understand". Even if you can not refer complex scripts, the Ithihasas (Ramayana and Mahabharatha) are always there which are easy to understand.

The luxury with which these MSGs lead their life, separates them from the common man. Peculiarly people in the IT industry becomes fray for these MSG. It is always easy to brain-wash young people who are in stress yet they have the money. 

These MSGs are there everywhere. Not only in Hinduism but even in Christianity there are people who earn huge money, out of control from the Church. 

See, all these are expressed in the show. What for I am writing this post?

- A person with a luxurious life style can not be a spiritual guru.

- Do not get confused by psychological techniques and spirituality.

- Any form of Yoga or breath exercises are not personal property of / invented by  any one MSG.

- Self Control can not be installed by any external influence like MSG.

- Don't loose your "Self / Originality " for any MSG.

- If some one says, "Don't be attached to your family. Don't love them", neglect that person to the core. Avoid contacts with him.

- There is no one else in the world who loves you like your mother and father. 
(தாயிற் சிறந்த கோயிலும் இல்லை ; தந்தை சொல் மிக்க மந்திரமும் இல்லை ).

- Take a very good care of You. Your family. Your surroundings. Recursively applying this would make the whole world good.

- Don't get fooled by simple black magic.

- When you are under the mental control of any MSG, you feel like everything is happening according to your MSG's order. This is only an illusion. 

- A common trap these MSGs have is "dont analyze; believe as it is ".. Not good. Swami Vivekanandh didn't believed as it is. It was Ramkrishna Paramahamsh who gave him the proof. 
எப்பொருள் எத்தன்மைத் தாயினும் அப்பொருள் 
மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்பது அறிவு [355]
Knowledge is the perception concerning every thing of whatever kind, that that thing is the true thing

To conclude, if you are true to  your parents, your family, your life partner, your friends, your job, I guess you do not require a MSG


ibza said…
Nice topic. :)