- Proprietary Software
- Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
A proprietary software is built by a company and sold for a price to its customers without letting them know the internal working mechanism of the software. The end-user is simply allowed to perform operations which the developer of that software has permitted. On the contrary, FOSS is built with the efforts of a diverse set of coders across the globe. The end-user has the freedom to know the internal working mechanism of the software and given the ability to modify as per their requirements. The term free in free software is more towards Freedom rather than free of cost. Few examples for FOSS: GNU-Linux (Operating System), Firefox (Web Browser), VLC player (Media Player).
Let's compare the Gandhian philosophy and FOSS along the following dimensions:
- Freedom
- Transparency
- Self-reliance
- Inclusion & Empowerment
One of the important advantages that the FOSS provides is the freedom from the control of companies which build the commercial software. If you are using commercial software, you are always under the control and watch of the company which has built that software, which is undesirable. Gandhiji is the synonym of the fight for freedom. Freedom from the company which was looting the country of course with the user interface of providing some benefits to the countrymen like Railways, Hospitals, etc. Proprietary software though looks easier to use at first, always comes at the cost of freedom. We get trapped into a problem called vendor lock-in which means that beyond a point user gets compelled to use that product even if he/she doesn't like it anymore.
Inclusion & Empowerment
Gandhiji always advocated for Inclusion and Empowerment. He was able to reach Indians living in the remotest parts of the country, at a time when there was no fast communication channels were available. Gandhiji's approach was always inclusive. Inclusion leads to empowerment. Free and Open Source Software provides inclusion as the specific requirements of the users can be satisfied by customizing or extending the software. In the case of proprietary software, such users are at the mercy of the companies which build the software. The software companies will obviously focus on building features that might increase their profit. From a business perspective, it is perfectly alright. But the requirements of users with special needs such as Persons with Disabilities, elderly shall be very specific. In the case of FOSS, such requirements can be satisfied with the wisdom diverse set of coders.
There is a cost angle as well to the Proprietary software. Free and Open Source Software are more inclusive due to affordability. Particularly, in countries such as ours with diverse needs, inclusion is the key to success.
I imagine, if Gandhiji were alive today, he might have strongly advocated us to consider migrating to Free and Open Source Software due to the aforementioned reasons. Be the Change was his mantra. Free and Open Source Software as well promotes the Be the Change philosophy.
Thus, Free and Open Source Software can be termed as The Gandhian Software.