"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho was my companion for last week. As it has been accepted by people all across the globe, it is one of the most interesting & "must read" novel. It was gifted to me at-least six months back.. I never tried reading the book, though the gift was from person with real care. Hmmm, after all its about "Maktub"... ( Try googling to find out the meaning of the Arabic word "maktub" if you are very eager or wait until the end of the post) For those who have not heard about this book, it is a story about a boy - his journey - his mindset - expectations - struggles - success - which we can easily relate with our own experiences. One of the most interesting feature about the book is the "messages" that author coveys through the characters. Really Nice. The below given are my favourite "messages" from the book: "Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives,...