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Un - Conditioned

Today life depends on Gadgets / Appliances. For some it would be few... For others they are many. Few are essential. Others are luxurious / fancy. The case with essential gadgets is different. But what about fancy gadgets? This post is about A/C : Air-Conditioner.

Of-late, many of us have become accustomed to living in A/C environment. You might raise an objection that A/C is not a fancy gadget. Whether something is fancy or not truly depends on the society that you live in.

In a society of ours, where people are not getting electricity for irrigation, where mandatory power-cuts have become order-of-the-day, where students studying for their exams need to struggle with constant power cuts etc., the decision of treating A/C luxury or not is left up to you. For me it is for sure.

A 1000 Watts appliance running for an hour would consume 1 Kilo Watts of power.  Even a 1 ton A/C would consume more than 1000 Watts. Calculate the power consumption for days / nights together.

In the worst case, even if it is going to cost you more, please go for 5* rated products. At-least  something good in a long run.

When questioned by one of my friends, "Still not a A/C in home?" , I strictly replied to him "NO... Not necessary". We need not buy something only because of the fact that it is affordable to us. 

Before making a choice of buying any electrical appliance double-check that it is absolutely necessary. 

Again, going by Thiruvalluvar:

யாதனின் யாதனின் நீங்கியான் நோதல் 
அதனின் அதனின் இலன் [341]

[Whatever thing, a man has renounced, by that thing; he/she cannot suffer pain]

End of the day, they all say : Reduce - Reuse - Recycle.
