ICTOODLE 2022: International Conference on Technology Enabled Online and Distance Learning for Education: In the Context of NEP 2020, jointly organized by the Department of Computer Science and Directorate of Distance Education Pondicherry University, was very well received by the participants. Here are some of my observations and take-home points from the Conference: Education in general and Higher Education in particular, is at an exciting phase of metamorphosis. Now we have only two scenarios: a) Higher education institutions adapting the educational technology or b) Educational technology companies adopting higher education. It is a question of relevance and survival for the higher education academia. With the changing learning patterns of the Millenials, we can't stick to outdated modes of content delivery. Non-linear and engaging modes such as Gamification / Game-based learning should be encouraged to keep the learner engaged. Knowing the learners is essential in all modes ...