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Showing posts from 2006

Traffic Speakers

Here @ Pondy one excellent things is the usage of loud speakers(not that much loud) in the traffic signal Points. Nice set of instructions they r giving. Literating the public about traffic rules is not a joke. Places like pondy has all sorts of traffic ranging from Very high speed cars to manual ricksaws. The Bicycle traffic is very heavy here. It remembers me the basic moto of our Nation: Unity Among Diversity.

26 Dec '04

26 December 2004 . No body can forget this day. TSunami affected allmost all the coastal districts of TamilNadu. Yesterday was the second memorial day for people who lost their all in the disaster. Hence, me now living in the Pondy and seeing the traces of Tsunami tragedy even after 2 years, i felt like sharing a few things regarding this. I was talking to a few persons who saw Tsunami. I'm not such an expert in English to register their expressions in English. The gist of what they told is as follows: TSunamic waves were of 2 floors height. The waves losted for only few minutes. It crossed only few meters of Lands. But the disaster made by them are immeasurable. See the diaster is not only by the nature. It is 90% by us(The great Man Kind) only. Belive me it's true. The reasons are: Where ever there were trees on the shore, persons living in those areas doesn't got affected. Even the sand on the sea shore was a protecting point. But we doesn't even left the sand. We ex...

Who Said Sea is Blue ?

Who said ! On my travel on ECR i'm seeing (enjoying) differnt colors of Sea at intervals. To my surprise today the sea was Gray., Last week (if my memory is non-volatile) the sea was like a silver-soup (! is there any thing called silver-soup?) One day i saw the sea in Multi Color. To make the point clear., i'm talking about the color of sea Water, not the color of clouds over the sea. Don't say the color of clouds is reflected on Sea. Even then who said sea is Blue ? What ever the LCD, TFT or Laser TVs we may invent nature is nature ., Man made thing can't even satisfy the (1/Google)% ; (Belive me i'm not an expert in Maths) of nature., The more we deviate from Nature, more the pblms we gonna face., I started realizing that when we start loving nature preferably we don't need any meditation., Thought of going to Beach( Sea Shore) in early mornings (certainly not at 8.00 'O clock). Will try to do in forthcoming days.

Kuyil Thoppu

I don't know whether u pronounced the title correctly. It's related to One of the greatest minds of India Mr.Bharathiyar. This place is in Pondicherry. I was daily passing that place but till yesterday i doesn't knew that this is the place where many of the Bharthiyar's creations were born. He used to spend half of his day at this place. Now i will not forget to give a moral salute to Bharathi when i cross that place.

First Time from Apple

This is the first time i update my blog from Apple Mac OS. A nice collection of tools are there in MAC. Sherlock, OmniOutliner, Automator to name a few. Also i felt very comfortable working with MAC version of MS Office. Some of the themes they have given there are really cool.

Sweet Apples

Since all the experience that i got with computers was thru Windows i normally used to have very good opinion on Win (Ofcourse before meeting Mr.S ., The Engg. Boss of my previous company). Then started the journey on Linux. A compact powerful OS. U know i now recommend others also to go for Linux. Then came the story of Apple machines. UnBelivable. The look of apple machines it self is awesome., Last week i started working on Apple machines., All the applications on apple are quite interesting ., The window animation, the image editing S/W everything are fascinating., Really Sweet Apple.