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Clouds In ... Rains Out...

Yet another invited talk at our department. This time around the speaker was Prof. Rajkumar Buyya from University of Melbourne,  a well known name in the computer science community. 

The topic was "Cloud Computing" . It all started on Friday evening. A nice little introduction with Prof. Then on saturday, the talk was on cluster computing - the funda of cloud / utility computing. Yes it is true that you can find loads of books / materials on internet regarding any topic. But listening from the real experts is a pleasure. The way Prof. Buyya handled the sessions was awesome. Not loaded with indigestible, over-the-head info but it was with lots of real life examples.

Coated with the sense of humor, the technical concepts that he imparted in to the audience was really smooth like a song. Today's morning session was on cloud computing. With the background of no rains in Pondicherry during last week, it was a good downpour here as we were discussing about clouds in side the hall. 

The inspirational talk of him made many in the crowd to ask for questions. Apart from the cloud thing, the real implementation approach for any research that he mentioned was another important output of the talk.

No doubts, whoever attended the talk, everyone had something to learn NEW.


Bala said…
very nice to read this blog..
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